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12 Examples of Augmented Reality in Different Industries

12 Examples of Augmented Reality in Different Industries

What's the use of new tech if you can't apply it to solving real-world problems? Augmented reality (AR) is finding use in manufacturing, healthcare, education, and a wide range of industries. The growth of use goes hand-in-hand with the release of new AR...

Augmented Reality in Education: Interactive Classrooms

Augmented Reality in Education: Interactive Classrooms

The Pew Research Center reports that mobile technology use has more than doubled in the past decade from 35% in 2011 to 81% in 2019, with smartphone use especially prevalent among young Americans — about 96% of people ages 18 to 29 own a smartphone. These...

Augmented Reality: The Rising Phoenix of the Education Industry

Augmented Reality: The Rising Phoenix of the Education Industry

Augmented Reality or better known by its abbreviated moniker AR, is one of the hottest trends in the Edtech industry, with other equally hyped technologies being AI, VR and Blockchain. The technology has existed for quite some time biding its way to maturity. ...

Augmented Reality for the Public Sector

Augmented Reality for the Public Sector

Augmented reality has the potential to improve the services that governments can offer citizens, and the efficacy of public infrastructure planning and management.  In a nutshell, augmented reality involves displaying text, graphics and audio over the real-world....

6 ways augmented reality can help governments see more clearly

6 ways augmented reality can help governments see more clearly

Augmented reality, or AR, has been called the next big paradigm shift in computing, tantamount to the kind of transformational changes that the internet and the smartphone made in the field. Global technology leaders, including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Snapchat...